Empower Your Venture

Target Audience

Our program is designed for ambitious entrepreneurs eager to elevate their ideas or business models with self-defined goals (Aspiration Objective Key Results (AOKRs)).

Program Approach

A hands-on, action-oriented program guided by professional mentors to push your skills to the limit.

Engagement Protocols

1. Personalized Intake Session:
Your journey begins with a comprehensive intake session. This is where we gain a holistic understanding of you, your vision, and your business model. It’s a mutual evaluation to ensure alignment between your aspirations and our program’s offerings.
2. Flexible Commitment Fee:
We discuss and agree on a commitment fee that reflects your financial capacity. This ensures our program remains accessible to entrepreneurs at various stages.
3. Mutual Consent Agreement:
Following mutual agreement on program fit and commitment fee, we formalize our engagement through a participation agreement. This document outlines our shared expectations, rules of engagement, and commitment to your success.
4. Diagnostic Program Kickoff:
Upon fulfilling the commitment fee, we schedule a diagnostic session marking the official start of your program journey. This session includes the distribution of preparatory materials and setting your Aspirational Objective Key Results (AOKRs) for the program’s duration.
5. Reality Check and AOKR Adjustment:
We conduct a reality check on your AOKRs to ensure they are achievable within the 12-week timeframe, based on your commitment and our program structure. This step ensures that your goals are both ambitious and realistic.
6. Flexible Exit Option:
Should there be a consensus that the set AOKRs are not realistic, participants have the option to exit the program. In such cases, we offer a partial refund, keeping a 500 euros fee for the services rendered till that point.

Dare to Dream Bigger with Xponential Ecosystem




Holistic Approach

Our intake process is designed to understand not just your business, but you as an entrepreneur, ensuring a tailored fit.


Financial Flexibility

We recognize financial constraints and offer a unique model where the commitment fee is discussed and agreed upon, reflecting our commitment to accessibility.


Collaborative Engagement

The formal agreement emphasizes our mutual commitment to the journey ahead, setting clear expectations from the start.


Tailored Goals

Our diagnostic session is a cornerstone, setting personalized, achievable goals for each participant.


Built-in Flexibility

We offer an honest assessment of your goals with an option to adjust or exit, ensuring fairness and respect for your investment and aspirations.

Transform Your Venture in Just 12 Weeks

A Personalized Path

Dynamic Program Structure

What Sets Us Apart

Your Pledge to Transformation

Our program is more than an incubator; it’s a 12-week transformative journey tailored to your unique aspirations and financial situation. Choose between intimate cohort sessions or private, one-on-one mentorships to catapult your business to new heights.

• Kickstart with Clarity: Your adventure begins post a diagnostic session, setting the stage for the next 12 weeks of intensive growth.

• Flexible Learning Environments: Opt for our exclusive cohort experience, limited to six visionaries for optimal interaction, or select a personal program crafted around your specific needs and financial commitment.

• Weekly Milestones: Dive into assignments that challenge and expand your entrepreneurial skills, with each session dedicated to reflection, feedback, and strategic planning for the week ahead.

• Accelerated Progress: Discuss high-speed progress options with your lead mentor, tailoring the pace to match your ambition.

• Digital Collaboration: Engage in a digital-first approach, leveraging cutting-edge platforms like Mural, WhatsApp/Telegram, Xponential Ecosystem circle community software, and MS Teams for seamless communication and collaboration.

• Rich Learning Resources: Benefit from a diverse array of tools and methodologies designed to enhance your learning experience, including literature, recordings, and assessments.

• Innovative Curriculum: Our curriculum is built on the pillars of the Business Model Generation, Designing Value Propositions, Testing Business Ideas, and Purpose Alignment approach. This ensures a comprehensive understanding and practical application of key concepts in real-world scenarios.

• Personalized Mentorship: Every participant receives tailored guidance from seasoned mentors, ensuring your journey is both challenging and supportive.

• Flexibility: Our unique financial model offers various entry points to ensure that financial constraints do not hinder your potential for growth.

• Community and Connection: Join a community of like-minded entrepreneurs in a digital ecosystem designed for networking, collaboration, and shared learning.

Unlock Full Program Benefits:
Your dedication is key. Commit to completing all assignments and engaging fully with the journey ahead. It’s through this commitment that the true transformation begins.

Tangible Outcomes Await:
As you navigate through the program with diligence, you’ll craft not just any business plan, but a Dynamic Business Model Canvas and a robust **Go-To-Market Strategy. These are tailored to your unique aspirations, and aligned with the Aspirational Objective Key Results (AOKRs) defined in your diagnostic session. The culmination of your hard work is a clear, actionable path to success.

Structured for Success:
Each session is meticulously designed to maximize your growth. Expect a blend of personal check-ins to gauge your progress, in-depth reflections on assignments to deepen your understanding, and strategic guidance for the steps ahead. This structure ensures every moment of the program propels you closer to your goals.


Your Success, Our Commitment!

We’re not just accelerating businesses; we’re nurturing the next wave of entrepreneurial success stories. Are you ready to be one of them?